FREE📕! Friends, do you know Genesis 6:4 is the worst disaster in the history of humanity. It’s the main reason John the Revelator wrote Revelation it is one of the most important verses in the Bible. Don’t you think it is strange for Celestial sons of God to come to earth and have children with humans and there is no information why? The Nephilim hid it from us.
Genesis 6:4 "There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also, after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
In Genesis 6:2 they tried to hide it: “That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; (beautiful) and they took them wives of all whom they chose.” That is an insult to us for them to think we are so stupid. The celestial sons of God came to earth about 500,000 years ago and humanity was still in the hunter-gatherers, stage, are they saying those women were beautiful? Many find it strange celestial sons of God having children with humans when they were two different beings here’s how.
Those celestial sons of God could not use the bodies they used on higher worlds on earth. The Urantia Book claims surgeons from a higher universe came to our planet at the same time the celestial sons came took plasma from the most advanced humans, and with bioengineering created superior bodies for those sons of God the Sumerians Anunnaki (those who came from heaven) were the same beings as the celestial sons of God in Genesis 6:4. There were 50 men and 50 women in ancient times they often called men and women sons of God there was no distinction see Hebrews 12: 6-7. When they were ordered to start having children, they started having children among themselves to increase their numbers and that is the reason for the giants on Earth. Look at what the geneticists are doing on earth today, cloning and such. But they started having so many problems with the giants they were ordered to start having children with humans, see Numbers 13:30-33 and Deuteronomy 2:10 and 2:20. Genesis 6:4 says those children they had with humans became men of renown.
Friends, here is one of the major reasons they burned down Egypt Alexandria Library. When the seed of humanity reached the hunter-gatherer’s stage, after mutating through the animal kingdom for millions they were ready to be civilized. The higher world we were conditioned to call heaven sent one hundred celestial beings to earth and they took on corporal bodies to help civilized humanity hunter-gatherers, many more came to help, but they stayed in another dimension including the one they called Caligastia who came as Prince of this world. Jesus mentioned him in John 16:11 when he said: “The Prince of this world is judged.”
According to The Urantia Book, “The Caligastia 100 were personally immortal; they were undying. Circulating through their material form were the antidotal complements of the life currents of the system that were provided by Tree of Life, a shrub of Edentia (that is what we call heaven) that was transported to Urantia (earth).”
Those celestial sons of God were on earth thousands of years teaching humanity hunter-gatherers, Genesis 6:4 didn’t mention this, as a matter of fact they didn’t mention anything, I find it’s strange for celestial son of God to came to earth and have children with humans and there is not a word in that verse for a reason why?
Two hundred thousand years ago Lucifer rebelled against the Laws of God, and out of 100 sons of God that came to Earth to help civilize humanity, 60 rebelled along with Lucifer. They were the first sinners on Earth, and they blame it on Adam and Eve. After they sinned The Tree of Life was taken from them, and they would surely die. That is when they started having children to increase their numbers. After thousands of years of eating the fruits of The Tree of Life, it was suddenly taken from them because they sinned and has caused chaos on Earth ever since. It must have had some kind of withdrawal effect on them, there must have been something in The Tree of Life to prolong their life. And it no doubt affected their descendants the men of renown in Genesis 6:4 known as Nephilim. Not all Nephilim were giants, but all descendants of the sons of God were known as Nephilim, could this be the cause for their future descendants, the adrenochrome drinkers of today to be addicted, it appears they had that habit for thousands of years. And today the adrenochrome drinkers and the pedophilia want to rule the world, the psychopaths. You see all the problems on earth today, and much of it started in Genesis 6:4.
In my Free Book you will find the full story. To download MY FREE BOOK, click on the PDF sign at Here is where I get much of my information or put the enigma together. You can also read or listen to The Urantia Book at https//: Please pass the web addresses on to your friends.